Are you able to make friends?

Well, today in my blog we'll talk about the question upper.
"Are you able to make friends"?
The big number of people in the world make this question more or less every day, I guess.
Hardly you can see a person at the street, at home,working or at school who can understand so well about a relation between friends.It can be something confuse to all us or only for you try to put in the mind.
Big part of the population today doesn't know how we can do for a relation be unstable.Do you know someone that broke up a relation because the other guy wasn't loyal?Frequently it is possible to see.What can we do for it finish? Do you know Leslie and Jesse from the movie "Brigde to Terabithia?" Oh yeah, I think that relation of friends between them was something real,pure and magical.I don't know very well how we can do for a friend be happy with us, but, in your acts,words,expressions it probably can be right.
Easily a partnet can finish a relation because the other friend isn't loyal or sensible, whatever.
The first thing you should to do is be sensitive,easygoing,wise,helpful,friendly...a nice guy.
Do not lie for you partnet,do not try to set the things for the other doesn't discovery,be honest in it all,you should to be always with the person, givin' your love. Because you have to follow the example of the relation between Leslie and Jesse, they were true friends. They used to know exactly how a friend is.The friend is not that person who wants to destroy our lifes, that person who lies to you, that person who wants to be closer from you just because you have a computer,money or beautiful clothes.But the true friend is that person who wants you for what you are inside.The person who wants your advices or opinions.To be friend is going to be more than it.Nowadays is hard to put our trust in a person, but I still know there are many people in the world that are true friends,is just for you try to search better it.
We should to be as the phrase of Leslie:
Close your eyes...
Keep your mind wide open!
Believe in what you see.
Do not do anything that you dislike for you.Do not do anything that you dislike to you for your next friend.The world is finishing about true person,so, let's try to do a better world, where all us can find honest friends as Leslie and Jesse.
Take a look of this video:
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